Driver Intel 82801db Ich4 Lan Controller With 82562et Ez Phy
Posted : adminOn 2/17/2018

Serialseeker Mac Os X. Nov 24, 2012 Here you can download intel 82801db ich4 lan controller with 82562et ez phy drivers for Windows. It's 100% safe, uploaded from safe source and passed. Remote S60 Pro Cracked. Aug 17, 2011 We value your feedback. Take our survey and automatically be enter to win anyone of the following: Yeti Cooler, Amazon eGift Card, and Movie eGift Card!
I need this driver for my IBM computer after having used their recovery disks. I now get an 'Ethernet Controller' and 'PCI Simple Communications Controller' hardware eror messages that I cannot install without the proper drivers, so no internet connection. Urgent help would greatly be appreciated as I have scoured Intel's and IBM's websites for the drivers. Support Information: Device Type: Modem / ISDN Manufacturer: Intel Model: Intel 82801DB ICH4 - LAN Controller with 82562ET/EZ PHY PCI Interface: PCI / ISA Operating System: Windows XP Home Age of Device.
I have this exact same problem with an old Dell Dimension 4550 that I have, so I am also very interested in an answer to this. Using 'UnknownDevices' revelaed, for the 'Ethernet Controller', Unknown Device from Dell Computer Corp Chip: Intel Corporation 82801DB LAN Controller with 82562ET/EZ PHY (ICH4 A1 step) Detected Chip Vender: Intel Corporation Detected Chip: 82801DB LAN Controller with 82562ET/EZ PHY (ICH4 A1 step) Detected OEM Vender: Dell Computer Corp Detected OEM Device: 82557/8/9 EtherExpress PRO/100(B)-based Ethernet Adapter Installing the drivers on the Dell recovery disc didn't do anything at all, and according to the Intel site these aren't even supported anymore. I tried the PRO/100 B drivers on this site, but it also had no success. All of this occurred after a reformat of the hard drive, where I reinstalled Windows XP SP1.