Memory Map Qct Files
Posted : adminOn 4/30/2018
Malwarebytes Rogueremover Pro V1 20 Win2kxpvista Incl Keygen-crd. Is it possible to support non-encrypted QC3 files? The format isn't very complicated (no more so than the original QCT) files. I've decrypted some of my own and it would be nice to be able to use them in something like AlpineQuest. Memory Map don't seem to supply any maps in old QCT format anymore so people can't buy their maps to use in AQ now, I'd think that's something you'd want people to be able to do (especially now MM have released an android version - although luckily for you it's not very good, but it can at least load new maps). Hi, MemoryMap maps are displayed in full quality only at the maximum zoom value. If you are zoomed out, only a part of the data is read for performance reasons. The official MemoryMap application uses a copyrighted library to decode MM maps, that we don't use for legal reasons.
That may also be an explanation of the quality difference. If you think that your maps look bad even at maximum zoom, you can post a screen-shot or a picture so I can see if there really is an issue with your display. Primordial The Gathering Wilderness Rar on this page. Best regards Here is 3 screenshots of a MemoryMap, the right one is the full zoom one. (screen shots removed). AlpineQuest wrote:Hi, Ok I will have a look at this new format. I didn't know about the ability to decrypt them.
I won't be able to do it for the next version, but I'll try to do it for the next one. Best regards I'll add another voice requesting handling of qc3 files. I've got a few of these that I'd like to use in AlpineQuest without resorting to converting them to some other interim format. Whilst offering to decrypt encrypted maps might be complex from a legal perspective (although technically its not hard and has already been demonstrated elsewhere, and still requires a legitimate license), not all QC3 maps are encrypted. The file structure is quite similar then to the legacy QCT files. The tiles are bigger and the tile compression algorithm has been changed (optimised).